Buy app installs


$0.06/ conversion

$0.03/ conversion

  • No SDK required!
  • Reach millions of new users every day
  • It only takes 1 minute to create a campaign
  • It only takes 2 minutes for your app to reach new users
  • State of the art anti-fraud solutions to guarantee top quality
  • Guarantee full refund for bad traffics as committed
  • Get a detailed report of installs instantly.
  • 24/7 support

1 Conversion = 1 install from new user. User will use your app for 1 minutes or more and keep it on their device for at least 1 days. All installs that do not meet the requirements above do not count as 1 conversion.

Contact us for a free trial

IOS (Coming soon)


Coming soon


  • SDK or Tracking required!
  • Reach millions of new users every day
  • It only takes 1 minute to create a campaign
  • It only takes 2 minutes for your app to reach new users
  • State of the art anti-fraud solutions to guarantee top quality
  • Guarantee full refund for bad traffics as committed
  • Get a detailed report of installs instantly.
  • 24/7 support

1 Conversion = 1 install from new user. User will use your app for 1 minutes or more and keep it on their device for at least 1 days. All installs that do not meet the requirements above do not count as 1 conversion.